LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


GMB Sussex Branch Supports Alex McGuigan Reinstatement Fight

The GMB Union's Sussex branch has passed a motion applauding the RMT efforts to secure Alex Mcguigans reinstatement. The branch has also kindly donated towards a strike fund to provide 'practical support in their efforts to win'.

In response RMT London Transport Region Secretary Eamonn Lynch has written to thank the branch for their support. Eamonn said "We really appreciate the support from your branch and the donation is gladly accepted. I know I speak for Alex when I say the support from RMT members and from comrades across the union movement is not only appreciated but a source of inspiration.

Night Tube Cannot Be Rushed Through To Suit Mayor Say RMT

Night Tube
LU wants to start running it’s Friday and Saturday ight-tube service from Sept 2015. With a completely new station staffing model demanding new grades and rosters to be introduced in early 2016 we are faced with months of upheaval. Any sane employer would delay Night Tube until 2016 but no one in LU management will stand up to Boris.

Night Tube presents real problems for all grades and RMT is fighting to ensure that any members affected receive fair compensation from the company.

What Night Tube Means for Us

Train Operators

  • Many more nights

Invitation to Central Line East branch AGM

Whatever your grade or work location, there is a very good reason for you to come to your RMT branch's AGM next Thursday (11 December, 17:00-19:15, ex Services club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone)

  • London Underground has announced its schedule for ticket office closures, and the majority of the first tranche of closures are on the Central Line (details here)

In The Press: Northern Line Tube Strike

Northern Line tube drivers are to take industrial action on Monday morning (December 1st) to demand the reinstatement of Alex Mcguigan who was sacked as a result of a flawed alcohol test. Alex is a type two diabetic, a condition which can quite often result in a false positive test result for alcohol. This is well documented medically and there is also legal precedent supporting his case. Because of this his test ought to have been followed by a confirmation urine test to ascertain whether his illness had in fact influenced the test, resulting in a false positive.

Train Driver's New PTOA 'Short Term Arrangements'

This document is an update to the '90 day agreement' for London Underground train drivers.

Download it in full by clicking 'read more'.

This publication specifies the procedures and agreements that apply to T/Ops wishing to meet short-term and domestic requirements, personal difficulties and emergencies. The aim is to assist T/Ops in resolving short-term difficulties whilst avoiding unnecessary time away from work and possible hardship caused by loss of salary.

Entry to the post of LU T/Op is to a full-time job that requires the ability to work varying shifts

Test Train Drivers Balloted For Strike


Further to previous Circular No. IR/303/14, 17th November 2014, members will recall the GGC decision to ballot our Test Train Operator members, in unison with ASLEF, over a failure to agree in relation to reward and recognition for Boxing Day working and Sandite overtime. I can now advise that the ballot papers will be posted out to affected members on Tuesday 25th November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 9th December 2014.

I will keep you advised of all developments.

Tube Drivers Vote By Over 75% For Strike To Defend Bro McGuigan


Further to previous Circular No. IR/282/14, 23rd October 2014, the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast… 58
Number Voting ‘Yes’… 45
Number Voting ‘No’… 13
Spoilt Papers… 0

Tube Driver's Newsletter - RMT Upfront November 2014

Download and read the latest edition of RMT Upfront below, and distribute it in your depot.

In this edition:

    Regular readers of “Up Front” will remember the report in August describing how Alex McGuigan was wrongfully dismissed following a false positive reading arising from an unannounced breath test. Alex’s rep proved that a number of medical conditions had affected the reading and also that the Drug and Alcohol Procedure hadn’t been properly followed....
  • Night Tube By A Night Mayor

Dispute On Piccadilly Line Over Cross Line Working

There is a flyer attached to this post, please distribute it amongst colleagues.

Over the last festive period Piccadilly trains ran a service down to Ealing Broadway. This was on the understanding from management it was one off and to help with the engineering works.

Why management are doing this
Management have produced the Xmas duties for this year and, again, it shows duties going to Ealing Broadway. Our union believes this is a management ploy to establish the principle of cross-line working.

No genuine reason

Back Pain Survey For Tube Train Drivers

Do you suffer from any of the following? Bad back, neck, shoulders, wrists, arms, elbows, hands or knees. If the answer is YES to any then please go to the following link below and complete the survey.

In 2013, I undertook the largest survey on the Victoria Line (attached below) with 70% of the Train Operators (both Aslef & RMT members) completing the survey. This was to establish the truth regarding this particular ill-health.