LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Significant Improvements Seen On Central Line Following Dispute


Further to my previous Circular No. IR/246/14, 19th September 2014, I advised you of the ballot result in favour of taking strike action and industrial action short of a strike. This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted that significant progress has now been made towards resolving the dispute.

Unfairly Sacked Driver's Morden Depot Colleagues balloted For Strike


Following the Morden & Oval Branch resolution regarding the above, the General Grades Committee took the decision to ballot all drivers at Morden for strike action and call for his immediate reinstatement (Circular No. IR/240/14, 12th September 2014).

London Underground Document Predicts Driverless Trains On Pic From 2022

The RMT has seen a London Underground document which states trains 'with or without drivers' could be introduced on the Piccadilly Line from 2022 - just eight years away. The document, which has been released as an information pack for managers to pass on to workers, also explains that Platform Edge Doors will need to be installed across the line and that preparation work for this could begin from 2016.

RMT Motion Highlights Concerns About Treatment Of Brother Moriarty

This Branch calls upon the General Grades Committee to instruct the General Secretary to raise with LUL at highest level the ongoing treatment of Brother Jason Moriarty.

The Branch is concerned that LUL management are acting maliciously by giving credence to numerous and ridiculously false allegations against our member.

Central Line Suspended As Masonry Falls On Track

The RMT's Trains Health and Safety council (THSC) have responded to an incident today which saw masonry fall onto the track at Mile End on the Central line.

The council is seeking further information on what could have been a very serious incident, and have written to LUL bosses for further details.

The Letter
Could you supply us with all the information you have on today's incident at Mile End Station. We gather that lumps of masonry, as large as a dot matrix, fell approx 10ft from the station roof to the track at the W/B starter.

Bakerloo Branch Newsletter July 2014

In the July edition of Bakerloo News:

  • Reinstate Dave Hanson: Sacked...without evidence!
  • RMT Bakerloo: winning for workers
  • Support locked-out ISS cleaners: Initial could be next!
  • Union Learning update
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Stand by for more action in LU jobs dispute - We still say: no to cuts and closures!
  • Brian Munro, 1968-2014

Tube Driver's Charter

This is the RMT’s updated version of the charter for London Underground train drivers. It lists our key demands and ‘lines in the sand’ – issues which we see as crucial to achieve or defend for those members working in the grade of train driver. Several of these issues are also essential for other London Underground grades and transport workers in all industries.

The charter had an official launch with Acting General Secretary Mick Cash, Trains Functional Rep Dean O'Hanlon, London Transport Executive member Brian Munro and Executive member Del Marr all speaking at the event.